Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Internet,twitter,facebook--इन्टरनेट के जमाने में अफसरों से अपेक्षाएं

Start Tweeting, but Will Anyone Follow Them?
When governments start talking about the importance of social media, they often sound like out-of-touch parents trying to use slang to relate to their teenagers — a bit awkward, a bit behind the times. So when the Indian government recently took the dive into the world of Facebook and Twitter by drafting a new manual entitled Social Media Framework & Guidelines for Government Organizations, those well practiced in friend requests and likes probably didn't see much new in it. A sample passage shows just how clueless India's bureaucrats are: "Given its characteristics to potentially give 'voice to all,' immediate outreach and literally 24*7 engagement, Social Media offers a unique opportunity to governments to engage with all their stakeholders, especially citizens in real time to make policy making citizen centric." Try fitting that into a 140-character tweet.
In a country like India, however, which has a sprawling, historically standoffish government, the official recognition that such technology exists and that bureaucrats need to get in the game is startling enough. Professor S. Sadagopan, director of the International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore, says that when electronic media took off in a big way, most members of the government thought they were going to get bashed by critics and constituents alike. "But then they became smart, and now see that they could be able to swing it to their advantage," he adds

Although the numbers of Indians using social-networking sites is still small in relative terms — about 30 million, or 2.5% of the total population — their ranks are growing rapidly. According to a Nielsen report in May, membership to social-media sites in India is growing by 100% per year, and Facebook membership alone is doubling every six months. And there have been glimpses of how social media can alter the relationship between government and everyday Indians too. Last year, for instance, the New Delhi traffic police started a Facebook page on which motorists can post pictures and details of drivers who break traffic laws so the police can issue tickets by mail. The program has been expanded since then; citizens can now also report officers who demand bribes at traffic stops. A former civil servant has taken the idea a step further by starting a website, on which people can report corrupt officials and the bribes demanded of them. Since it was launched last year, more than 14,300 reports have been filed from some 450 cities across the country.

Most segments of government, however, have been slower to catch on to the craze.

Things might be changing, if the recent guidelines are anything to go by. "The idea was that we must create a mechanism so we can talk with citizens," says Shankar Aggarwal, a top leader in India's Department of Information Technology. "We were not very sure how to use social media in the government structure. So we thought to make a framework so that all officers are sure of the dos and don'ts." The guidelines are kind of like Facebook for Dummies, offering sober advice on everything from how to log into a site to online etiquette. "Not all posts/comments need to be responded to immediately and individually," the manual reads. "Also, wherever a response is required, all posts should be kept short and to the point." Aggarwal says he expects most officials to at least become more social-media savvy, though each department will decide on its own how best to use the technology.
Not everyone is impressed by the government's attempts to crawl out of the dark ages, though. Increasing the amount of information provided to citizens and promoting a give-and-take with leaders is important, but improving how the government delivers basic services should be its top priority, says Yamini Aiyar, director of the Accountability Initiative, a think tank in New Delhi. "The downside of all of this is in many ways the problem of the bureaucracy or poor service delivery; lack of accountability and corruption cannot be resolved only through technological solutions. They are facilitators, not the answer themselves," she says.
Whether the government's social-media presence will be effective, or just a showpiece, depends on how much officials are willing to let go, Aiyar adds. "It's one thing for a bureaucrat to be using Facebook and Twitter in a personal capacity, but the minute they do it in a professional capacity they're bound by rules, so they're not really able to do or say anything that will be of that much value." A quick look at some of the top Twitter trends in India last year — Justin Bieber, Harry Potter, the iPad — doesn't bode well for high-minded debate. So the question remains: Even if all Indian leaders start tweeting tomorrow, will anyone follow them?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Nazul Lands ,freehold and conversion in Uttar Pradesh

The letter in brackets following the words listed here below indicates the language it belongs to or it originates from: (A) = Arabic, (E) = English, (H) = Hindi, (P) = Persian.

1-                                                    Nazul Lands (P/E): Land vested with the public authority for developmental purpose as per the stipulations of the authority.
Baden Powell defined Nazul property as “Property escheated or lapsed to the State; commonly applied to any land or house property belonging to Government either as an escheat or as having belonged to former Governments.”
          The State Government may, by notification in the Gazette and upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon between that Government and the Authority, place at the disposal of the Authority all or any developed and undeveloped lands in the development area vested in the State (known as “Nazul lands”), for the purpose of development in accordance with the provisions of the Act.
       Once any such land has been placed at the disposal of the Authority, no development of any such land shall be undertaken or carried out except by or under the control and supervision of the Authority.
       After any such Nazul land has been developed by or under the control and supervision of the Authority, it will be dealt with by the Authority in accordance  with the directions given by the State Government in that behalf.
      If any nazul land placed at the disposal of the Authority is required at any time thereafter by the State Government, the Authority shall, by notification by the Gazette, replace it at the disposal of that Government upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon between that Government and the Authority.
conversion of 'nazul' (land given by municipal authorities to private persons)
2-                                                    Vikas Pradhikaran (H), Development Authority (E): Every big city (mostly of more than a million inhabitants � but again there are no strict norms) has a Development Authority which supervises various aspects of Urban Management including land, housing, services etc. They also oversee legal aspects pertaining to building bye-laws, Master Plan norms etc. and develop perspective plans for the future.
(E:\11 n 2\govt ,authorities plan on land)
      Uttar Pradesh Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised                Occupants) Act. 1972

3-                                                    Nagar Nigam (H), Nagar Palika (H), Nagar Parishad (H): Nagar Nigam refers to a Municipal Corporation and Nagar Palika or Nagar Parishad (nomenclature varies from state to state) refers to a Municipal Council. A corporation is higher than a council in the hierarchy of municipal administration. There are no strict norms for giving a municipality the status of a corporation or council � the decision is mostly political.
4-                                                    Notified Area (E): Any land area earmarked with the help of legal provisions for the purpose of future development, as stipulated in the Master Plan.
5-                                                    Patta (H): Title to land. Under the slum upgrading and resettlement schemes, land title is being given to the residents in the hope that they would make further investment to improve their own housing conditions and living standards. This is also a guarantee against future eviction.
6-                                                    Standard Rent (E): Worked out on the basis of the value of land and cost of construction when built, as per the provisions of the Rent Control Act with the objective of protecting the tenant from exorbitant rent and eviction.
7-                                                    Khasra (P): Refers to a plot of land which is numbered in the Master Plan of a city. Any developmental plan sketched on the basis of the Master Plan refers to a khasra number. If the khasras in a Master Plan are not properly numbered developmental plans gets hindered.
8-                                                    Power of Attorney (E): Supposedly a legal provision through which the right of occupancy, management, and transfer of a property is given by the owner to another person. The Law Ministry has doubts about the validity of such transfer deals ; nevertheless, a large number of properties, particularly in north Indian cities, are changing hands, using this provision.
9-                                                    Statutory town (E): A settlement having an urban local body viz. Municipality, Corporation, Town Area Committee, Notified Area Committee, Cantonment, Town Panchayat,...

Nazul-Government of U.P,Collector and Sub Registrar

Amit Kumar vs State Of Uttar Pradesh And Ors. on 21 May, 2003
(2003) 2 UPLBEC 1733
------------------ land in question measuring 160 acres
--------------Special Secretary, U.P. Government issued letter dated 19.1.2001 to the District Magistrates Varanasi for cancelling the free hold proceedings and accordingly, the District Magistrate Varanasi vide order dated 27.7.2001 has cancelled the same.
--------------subsequently by notice dated 21.3.2001, petitioner was informed that the land does not vest in the State of U.P., and hence the proceedings for cancellation of the deed dated 2.4.98 have been initiated and petitioner can file objection.
--------------The Defence Estate Officer, Allahabad requested the District Magistrate, Varanasi to instruct the Sub-Registrar to refuse registration of such transaction in order to safeguard the interest of the Government of India in the defence land. A true copy of the letter dated 17.11.1997 has been annexed as Annexure-CA-7 to the counter-affidavit.
------------ Granting the power of management does not, in our opinion, amounts to transfer of title to the land, which, in our opinion, continues to vest in Government of India. Thus, there is no force in this petition and it is dismissed.                           

Bench: M Katju, R Tripathi
Allahabad High Court
2. It is alleged in Paragraph 3 of the petition that the petitioner's father was the lessee of Property No. S-17/317-B, Nadesar, Varanasi. In respect of which the Municipal Board, Varanasi executed a lease deed on 17.7.1957, vide Annexure-1 to the writ petition. This lease was granted in favour of the petitioner's father for a period of 30 years and hence it was to expire on 29th March, 1987. The petitioner's father gave an application to the Administrator Nagar Mahapalika, Varanasi (Now Nagar Nigam) on 24.3.87, vide Annexure-2 to the writ petition praying for extension of the lease period for a period of 99 years. However, it is alleged that no action was taken on this application.
3. By Notification dated 23.5.1992, issued by the State Government vide Annexure-3 to the writ petition, the Nazul Policy of the State Government was declared.
4-------------and deposited Rs. 16,000 and a free hold deed was executed in his favour on 2.5.98 vide Annexure-7 to the writ petition.------------- In Paragraph 22 of the petition it is stated that subsequently by notice dated 21.3.2001, petitioner was informed that the land does not vest in the State of U.P., and hence the proceedings for cancellation of the deed dated 2.4.98 have been initiated and petitioner can file objection.
5-. A counter-affidavit has been filed and we have perused the same. It is stated in Paragraph 6 of the same that only management of the plots measuring 160 acres including the land in question was entrusted to the Municipal Board, Benaras (now known as Nagar Nigam, Varanasi). The Commissioner, Benaras Division vide letter dated 11.5.1898 addressed to the Chairman, Municipal Board. Benaras informed that the area transferred will be considered intra-municipal Nazul of which the usufruct has been transferred to the Municipality. It was stated in that letter that 3/4 of the income of such Nazul land would go to the Municipality or District Board, and 1/4 income would go to the Provincial Revenue. As such it is alleged that no title had been transferred by the Union of India in favour of Nagar Nigam, Varanasi.------------------- The Defence Estate Officer, Allahabad sent a letter to the District Magistrate, Varanasi bringing to his notice that defence land in Nadesar area, Varanasi Cantonment is being sold and the sale transaction are being registered by the Sub-Registrar without making any reference to the Cantonment Board, or Defence Estate Officer, Allahabad. He brought to the notice of the District Magistrate, Varanasi that no intimation about the same was received in his office. He requested the District Magistrate, Varanasi to instruct the Sub-Registrar to refuse registration of such transaction in order to safeguard the interest of the Government of India in the defence land. A true copy of the letter dated 17.11.1997 has been annexed as Annexure-CA-7 to the counter-affidavit.
6. The Government Executive Officer, Varanasi sent letter dated 28.2.1998 and letter dated 21.12.1998 to the Principal Director, Defence Estates, Head Quarters, Central Command, Lucknow bringing the entire facts to his notice that the aforesaid land which was given to the Nagar Nigam, Varanasi for management and the said authority was converting the aforesaid land into free hold. The Cantonment Executive Officer, Varanasi sought guidance from the Principal Director, Defence Estate as to whether the order of the U.P. Government was binding on the Cantonment Board. By another letter dated 21.12.1998 the Cantonment Executive Officer, Varanasi brought to the notice of the Principal Director, Defence Estates that the aforesaid land measuring 160 acres was given to the Municipal Board by the Government of India in the year 1896 for management on payment of certain compensation for the loss of revenue.
7. In Paragraph 14 of the counter-affidavit it is stated that the Principal Director, Defence Estate wrote a letter to the Cantonment Executive Officer, Varanasi that the land was transferred for the management of the Beneras Cantonment to the Nagar Mahapalika, Varanasi on annual payment of Rs. 1657/6 vide Annexure-CA-9 to the counter-affidavit. The Cantonment Board, Varanasi then resolved that permanent transfer of the land to the Municipal Corporation be offered on payment of market value to the Defence Ministry and on unwillingness to do so to pay the transfer value, vide Annexure-CA-10 to the counter-affidavit. The Cantonment Board, Varanasi communicated about the resolution to the Mukhya Nagar Adhikari, Varanasi vide letter dated 24.7.1999 Annexure-CA-11 to the counter-affidavit. In Paragraph 17 of the counter-affidavit it is stated that objection having been raised by the Cantonment Board, Varanasi and the Defence Estate Officer, Allahabad about the conversion of land to free hold, the matter was taken up with the State Government as a consequence of which the Mukhya Nagar Adhikari, Varanasi wrote a letter dated 3.1.2001 and another letter dated 9.1.2001 to the District Magistrate, Varanasi bringing the entire facts to the notice of the District Magistrate and requesting for cancellation of proceedings for conversion of land to free hold. True copies of the said letters are Annexure-CA-12 to the counter-affidavit.
8. In Paragraph 18 of the counter-affidavit it is stated that in the relevant Khatauni the land in question measuring 160 acres contains entry to the effect that the ownership of the land is of the Government of India vide Annexure-CA-13 to the counter-affidavit. Since the entire matter was brought to the notice of the State Government the Special Secretary, U.P. Government issued letter dated 19.1.2001 to the District Magistrates Varanasi for cancelling the free hold proceedings and accordingly, the District Magistrate Varanasi vide order dated 27.7.2001 has cancelled the same. It is alleged in Paragraph 20 of the counter-affidavit that the respondent 1 to 6 had no right at all to transfer the land or to convert the same into free hold since the ownership of the land vests in the Government of India, Defence Ministry. The Government of India is the owner of the land and hence the State Government or the District Magistrate, Varanasi has no right to sell the land or allow it to be converted into free hold. Only the management of the land was entrusted to the Municipal Board, Varanasi but the Municipal Board was no authorized to allow people to erect houses or to execute lease deed or to convert the land into free hold. The Nagar Nigam, Varanasi acted beyond its authority in passing the transfer orders or granting free hold rights. The lease deed dated 17.7.1957 confers no title or interest in favour of the petitioner.
10. A careful perusal of the report of the District Magistrate, Varanasi dated 22/24 May, 1971, Annexure-5 to the counter-affidavit shows that there was some litigation about the title to the said land between the Cantonment Board and Nagar Mahapalika, Varanasi and ultimately that dispute was decided by the order of the Commissioner, Varanasi by order dated 24.1.1957, by which he rejected the claim of the Nagar Mahapalika of title over the land. In the same order it has been held that no appeal was filed against the aforesaid order of the Commissioner and this proves the title of the Government of India over the said land.
11. Very relevant is the letter of the Mukhya Nagar Adhikari, Varanasi which is Annexure-CA-12 to the counter-affidavit, admitting that the property never belonged to the State Government and hence the entire proceedings treating it to be Nazul land were illegal and without jurisdiction. In this letter the entire matter has been discussed in great detail. In the Khatauni copy of which is Annexure-CA-13 to the counter-affidavit it is stated that the property belongs to the Union of India.
13. Granting the power of management does not, in our opinion, amounts to transfer of title to the land, which, in our opinion, continues to vest in Government of India. Thus, there is no force in this petition and it is dismissed.                            

Sunday, September 11, 2011

sale deed of nazul in Uttar Pradesh ,Nazul Rules and Collector

Indian Kanoon -

Allahabad High Court
Bench: B Chauhan, P Mithal
on 18 August, 2006
Justice Birendra Dikshit ... vs State Of U.P. And Ors 2006 (4) AWC 3618

--------------. The petitioner No. 1 had entered into an agreement to sell dated 28.7.1981 with Shri Jagdish Narain Capoor for the purchase of part of the aforesaid nazul plot and the dwelling unit situate over it. On the basis of the said agreement, petitioner No. 1 with the consent of the lessees applied for freehold rights in respect of house No. 9, Stanley Road with an area of 911 sq. mtrs. forming part of the aforesaid nazul plot in accordance with the terms and conditions of the freehold policy issued vide G.O. dated 1.12.1998.
5. The Collector, Allahabad granted permission of freehold rights as claimed by the petitioner No. 1 and a sale deed dated 19.10.2000 was executed in respect of only 852.20 sq. mtrs. of land. The said sale deed which has duly been executed by the Collector, Allahabad, on behalf of his Excellency, the Governor of Uttar Pradesh clearly provides the area in respect whereof freehold rights have been granted in favour of the petitioner No. 1 and the boundaries thereof providing for 15 feet wide common passage on three sides of the house, i.e.. West, North and South on Stanley Road (Kastoorba Gandhi Marg on the East).
11. The Nazul Rules deal with the issue involved herein Rule 5 provides for change of entries in Nazul Register by the Collector on being satisfied that it was so necessary because of the successive transfer or assignment. Rule 5A deals with the procedure prescribed for mutation in the name of transferees in the records accordingly. The mutation is also to be made by the Collector. Sub-rule (4) of Rule 5A would not debar any person from establishing his right to the property in any civil or revenue Court having Jurisdiction Rules 7 to 12 deal with the management of the nazul land Rule 8 provides that the department managing nazul property is bound to forward to the Collector a certificate every year showing the area of nazul properties, the purpose for which it is used and reporting whether any encroachment had been made on any part of such properties. In case of encroachment upon the nazul land used for road purposes, the certificate is required to be forwarded in a prescribed Form wherein encroachments have to be noted specifically. Rule 9 thereof provides for preparing the list of encroachments by the department in respect of each nazul property and to issue certificates in this respect to the Collector. Rule 13 of the said Rules provides that in case of sale or lease of nazul land, it shall be carried out under the Collector's order and in case such land is in occupation of any department other than the revenue department, the nazul shall be transferred to the Collector for the purpose of lease or sale. Rule 74 provides that any administrative-body or local body shall ensure the compliance of the order passed by the Collector requiring the removal of encroachment upon or of unauthorized occupants of nazul. Vide the Criminal Laws (U. P. Amendment) Act, 1961, the provisions of Section 441 of the Indian Penal Code stood amended authorizing the local bodies to register a criminal case for removal of encroachments on nazul land after giving notice to the encroachers or trespassers.
12. Thus, it is evident that every nazul property is under the direct control of the Collector and by no stretch of Imagination, it can be held that the Collector had no jurisdiction to deal such properties or pass an order for removal of encroachment.
13. Thus, we do not see any ground to hold that the Collector had no jurisdiction to entertain the complaint or pass the impugned order.
20. In the instant case, no attempt had been made by the petitioners to adduce any evidence regarding subsistence of their tenancy in respect of any part of the remaining nazul land. Thus, the argument advanced in this respect cannot be entertained.
25. Therefore, Court has to examine the case with this angle also bearing in mind that cause of substantial justice cannot be defeated on mere technicalities.
26. It is also settled legal proposition that writ court should not quash the order if it revives a wrong and illegal order. (Vide Gadde Venkateswara Rao v. Government of Andhra Pradesh and Ors. : Maharaja Chintamani Saranath Shahdeo v. State of Bihar and Ors. : Mallikarjuna Mudhagal Nagappa and Ors. v. State of Karnalaka and Ors. and Chandra Singh (supra)).
29. Thus in view of the above, it is not necessary for the writ court to interfere in a case where a Just order has been passed by an authority having no competence to do so.
30. In view of the above, as the encroachment by the petitioners had been on the land which was outside the land in respect of which the freehold rights had been created in favour of petitioner No. 1 and formed part of the nazul land, the encroachment removed by the Collector, even if without jurisdiction, does not require any interference, whatsoever.
32. In view of the above, we do not find any farce in the petition, it is accordingly dismissed.
New Hotel Policy of Uttar Pradesh- 2008
The Government of Uttar Pradesh has declared an effective hotel policy very recently. The salient features of the hotel policy are:-
  • At the time of drafting of master plan, related regulated area and authorities by taking cooperation from Deptt. of Tourism will earmark the land for hotels and this land will be given for hotels. Where master plan has been finalised this action should be taken for vacant space. In authorities (development authority, industrial development authority, housing & development board) where master plan has not been finalised, with the help of Department of Tourism action to be taken to reserve suitable land for hotels keeping in mind the possibilities for tourism and whenever master plans are received then at that time also by taking help from Deptt. of Tourism the land will be reserved for hotels.
  • The land earmarked for industry in the master plan should be kept reserved for tourism/hotel for a period of 5 years after the date of advertising the scheme. If no hotel entrepreneur comes forward in the time span of 5 years then in that case the authority will be free to convert the use of this land.
  • If the land use conversion of the authority's land is necessary to grant the earmarked plot to hotel industry then the work regarding conversion of land use to be done at a competent level under the rules & regulations of authority on case to case basis.
  • In places where there is no development authority, there as per requirement the land of village committee/town area body should be resumed and transferred to Deptt. of Tourism. Deptt. of Tourism can establish a land bank of such lands received from village committee/town area bodies. Deptt. of Tourism will provide this land to tourism industry/hotel, as per requirement. But under the rules there will be a binding that if the land is not used for tourism industry within a period of 5 years then this land will be automatically transferred to the village committee.
  • In above places where are no development authorities but municipal bodies are formed, there the District Magistrate may provide the land to entrepreneurs on fixed circle rate or lease.
  • Since Tourism has been granted the status of industry in which hotels are also included hence plot should be earmarked and allotted similarly like industries on industrial rates. This policy will be implemented in each district of the state.
  • Whenever development authorities form their plans under the purview of Deptt. of industry development then they should also earmark the necessary land for hotels at the appropriate places.
  • Hundred percent rebate in luxury tax for next 5 years be given to new hotels from the starting date. Other rebates will be applicable as per industrial policy.
  • The allotment of earmarked land for hotel industry will be done only to hotel entrepreneur.
  • Hotel entrepreneurs will be provided land on industrial rates by all authorities (Housing Deptt. and Industrial Development Deptt., Noida, Greater Noida). It will be ensured that all hotel entrepreneurs are benefited by this provision, for this above mentioned all authorities will make necessary order/revision in their rules. So that it becomes possible that the land can be made available to hotel entrepreneur on industrial rate.
  • Department of Tourism will derive the number of plots as per the city wise need based on star rating of hotel.
  • To identify plot a committee will be formed under the Chairmanship of the commissioner.
  • Applicant entrepreneurs/society will not get more than one plot in a city.
  • At places where more than one authority/society have land, there only one concern department will be made nodal deptt. by the Deptt. of Tourism which will invite application on behalf of all concern department but the final decision regarding allotment/auction, will be taken by the concerned departments only.
  • After identification of land for hotel, applications will be invited from hotel/tourism entrepreneurs to provide them land on industrial rates.
Eligibility terms will be fixed for application, which will be following:-
  • Only those companies/societies will apply who are registered and connected with the hotel industry and have earlier experience in this regard.
  • In hotel policy eligibility terms have also been fixed in which 5 star and other level project will be given to those hotel entrepreneurs who have an average turn over of Rs. 100 crore or above in the last 3 years, positive net worth and minimum 10 years experience in hotel profession.
  • For 4-Star and other 4-Star level project the rule will be following:-
  • Average turn over of Rs. 75 crore or above in the last 3 years, positive net worth and minimum 10 years experience in hotel profession. Like wise for 3-Star and other level project an average turn over of Rs. 50 crore on above in the last 3 years, positive net worth and minimum 5 years experience in hotel profession will be required.
  • In authorities where there is provision of industrial plots there as per the present time policy the allotment of industrial plots in case of more than one applicant will be done on the basis of suitability can be ascertained on the basis of their experience, turn over and net worth basis. And keeping eligible applicant rating in descending order on the basis of hotel plots being made available in a city, based on their priority the plot be allotted. This rating 5 star (or above), 4- Star and 3- Star categories can be done separately.
  • For each hotel the applicant company's ownership or under the management will have points as under:-

    A- Experience in hotel profession will have maximum 50 points
    • 5-Star or above - 10 points per hotel
    • 4-Star - 7 points per hotel.
    • 3- Star hotel- 5 points per hotel
    • If the hotel has a tie up/contract with an international chain or the applicant himself is of international chain then for each such hotel 3 additional points will be provided.
  • B- For turn over maximum 25 points will be fixed.
    • 1 point will be fixed per 10 crore turn over.
  • C- For net worth maximum 25 points will be fixed.
    • 1 point will be fixed per 4 crore net worth. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Calculation of Stamp duty on instrument of nazul freehold in year 1999 and 2000 in the state of Uttar Pradesh

Calculation of Stamp duty on freehold instrument of nazul  in year 1999 and 2000 in the state of Uttar Pradesh

                         Nazul Land
'Nazul' means any land or building which, being the property of Government is not administered as a State property under the control of the Land Reforms Commissioner or the Forest or the irrigation Department, or is not under the control of the Military, Postal, Telegraph, Railway or other purely Central Government Department. It means properties i.e., land or buildings in or near towns or villages which have escheated or lapsed to the Government. In further, in absence of appropriate heir, the appropriate State or the Government of India in an appropriate case became the owner of the land. Article 296 of the Constitution of India speaks about the property accruing by escheat or lapse or as an bona vacantia for want of a rightful owner.(Harish Tandon vs State Of U.P. And Anr.2006 (3) AWC 2829)

                          Rate of Stamp Duty

(Harish Tandon vs State Of U.P. And Anr. 2006 (3) AWC 2829 Para 18 )

As per the Government Order No. 'K.S.V.-5-5808/11-99-500 (80)/98' of Kar Evam Sansthagat Vitta Anubhag-5 dated 11th January, 1999 issued by the Principal Secretary, U.P. Government, the stamp duty amount (registration charges) for registration of the freehold sale deed(s) is payable at the rate of 10% of the freehold charges. The U.P. Government till now has issued various Government Order(s) to continue the rebate of stamp duty amount (registration charges) for the registration of the freehold sale deed(s) without any break and the aforesaid provision for the registration of the freehold sale deed(s) at the rate of 10% of the freehold charges is applicable till date. Since the freehold sale deed(s) of the Nazul Site(s) executed by the District Maglstrate(s) and the Development Authorities particularly the District Magistrate, Allahabad and the Allahabad Development Authority, Allahabad have been/are presently being registered at stamp duty amount (registration charges) of 10% of the freehold charges in accordance with the aforesaid Government Order dated 11 th January, 1999 and its successive Government Order(s), the freehold sale deed(s) of the Nazul Site Nos. 32C, 139 and 139B, Civil Station, Allahabad should also be registered at the stamp duty amount (registration charges) of 10% of the freeholdcharges.

                                                              classification of deeds
1-   Under the provisions of the Nazul manual, if any nazul land is transferred by way of sale or lease etc., execution of deed is required and stamp duty is chargeable as a conveyance as laid down in the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (C.A.G Report year 2006-07Para
2-   Nazul land is land held by Government in public trust, in perpetuity, the possession of which can be transferred in the form of lease or by sale. The district magistrate of the respective district is the overall incharge of the management andadministration of nazul land. In Lucknow, the work of management is entrusted to the Lucknow Development Authority (LDA) and in other places to the nagar nigams/nagar palika parishads. Rule 67 of Nazul Manual, read with Rule 22, prohibits granting of lease in perpetuity of nazul land. In such cases, where lease was granted in perpetuity or period of lease was not mentioned, a maximum period of 90 years can be considered for lease. If any sale deed is executed, cost of land is to be recovered on the basis of market rate and stamp duty as a conveyance is chargeable..(C.A.G. Report 2005-2006 Para 5.5
3- Under the provisions of the IS Act, stamp duty on an instrument depends upon the substance of the transaction recorded in the instrument and not on any title, description or nomenclature given to the instrument by the executant.(C.A.G. Report 2005-2006 Para 5.3

                                                                disposal of nazul land

A-Under the provisions of the Nazul manual, nazul land can only be leased out.Under the provisions of rule 22 of Nazul manual, lease for nazul land shall not ordinarily be for a period shorter than 30 years in the first instance and shall, in all cases, provide for renewal after expiry of the first and subsequent terms upto a maximum period of 90 years. The granting of lease in perpetuity in respect of any nazul land on any term is prohibited. Rule 67 of Nazul Manual, read with Rule 22, prohibits granting of lease in perpetuity of nazul land. In such cases, where lease was granted in perpetuity or period of lease was not mentioned, a maximum period of 90 years can be considered for lease. Under the above provisions, the nazul land let out on lease for a stipulated period is required to be evacuated as and when the concerned lease terminates. On 1st December, 1998 a further Government order being No.
'2268/9-AA-4-98-704N/97' of Awas Anubhag-4 was issued by the Secretary, U.P.Government. As per such Government order, two categories of freehold charges were fixed as per the land use earmarked in the prevailing Master Plan, for'Residential' at the rate of 40% of the applicable Circle Rate of land(s) andfor 'Non-Residential' at the rate of 60% of the applicable Circle Rate of
land(s) and not as per the land usage mentioned in the lease deed or actual usage. The aforesaid Government Order dated 1st December. 1998 also states that a discount of 30% shall be given on the freehold amount where the Circle Rate of land(s) has been amended between 30th November, 1990 and 29th November, 1991 and further a discount of 20% on the freehold charges shall be allowed in case of
one time payment.With the introduction of the new Nazul Policy, 1998, nazul land can be disposed off by way of sale. If any sale deed is executed, cost of land is to be recovered on the basis of market rate and stamp duty as a conveyance on circle rate of 1991

B- Hon'ble Supreme Court in V. Karnal Durai v. District Collector
Tuticorin and Anr. . it has been held that if during the pendency of an application for grant of a mining lease the rules are amended, the application is to be decided as per the amended rules.
C-Honourable H.C Allahabad in S.N. Lal vs State Of U.P. And Ors. 2007 (2) AWC 1491 held as below
    Para 7-----------further the free hold deed executed in favour of the respondent No. 5 was subject to the final decision in the case of Satya Narain Kapoor v. State of U.P. and Ors. hence it is humbly submitted that the deponent has bona fide followed the order passed by this Hon'ble Court.
   Para 19--------- The officer has acted arbitrarily. He adopted an uncalled for procedure-which reflects upon his integrity. His approach to the case has compelled the petitioner to go through the litigation agony, loss of time, and money apart from harassment.
   Para20-------We mould the relief and set aside the order titled 'Minutes of Proceedings' dated 20.12.2004 and declare that sale deed dated 21.12.2004 (between respondent Nos. 3 and 5) shall remain in abeyance/inoperative till final decision on the question of grant of the freehold in favour of the petitioner; and in case it is decided in the petitioner's favour, the respondent No. 5 shall be entitled to the refund of stamp duty on said sale deed in her favour.
     Para 23. Writ petition stands partly allowed to the extent indicated above with cost-which we quantify at Rs. 25,000 to be paid by respondent No. 1 with liberty to realise it from the officer concerned.
D- All G.O of Nazul Land was introduced during the pendency of the proceedings and sub judice as Honourable Allahabad H.C held in Harish Tandon vs State Of U.P. And Anr. on 30/3/2006 ( 2006 (3) AWC 2829 D.B)
para 32 . Save and except Government order of the year 1995 no Government order is static. All the Government orders were time to time reviewed irrespective of the facturn that one of such reviewed Government order of the year 1998 was or still is subjudice before the Supreme Court or before the High Court.

Para 42. . The Government orders as reviewed time to time in the year 1998, which is under challenge, and the Government order of the year 2002, which was introduced during the pendency of the proceeding, appear to be prospective in nature.
Pendente lite

principle of pendente lite nihil innoventur (pending a litigation nothing new should be introduced) as in Section 52 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882.

( the matters pending at the Supreme Court.)

State of Uttar Pradesh itself was the appellant at the Supreme Court :-

A- 15-10-1997 High Court in Civil Misc. Writ Petition No. 32605 of 1991, Satya Narain Kapoor v. State of U.P. and Ors.. The High Court held therein, apart from other points, 'nazul' land cannot be converted to freehold land. On the Special Leave Petitions of the State of U. P., the Supreme Court passed ad interim orders on different dates. In effect, the orders of the Supreme Court desire that status quo be maintained.

 B- 1-12-98 Government Orders as a policy, on general land transfers of lease lands, published in a booklet inviting applications for conversion into freehold. In the booklet, the State have made the following clause.

"In this connection, I have been directed to say that the steps be taken under the aforesaid amendment and modification being made applicable with immediate effect, and the policy should be given wide circulation and publication so that the concerned parties may understand its implied provisions and receive its benefits.

All proceedings for freehold will be subject to the orders being passed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court in S.L.P. No. 1557-59/98 filed by the State of U.P. against the decision of the Hon'ble High Court, dated 15-10-1997 in Writ Petition No. 32605/91, Satya Narain Kapoor v. State Government and Ors.

This order is being issued with the concurrence of the Finance Department under its D.O. No. E-6-2286/Ten-98 Dated 28-11-1998."

C- (Harish Tandon vs State Of U.P. And Anr. 2006 (3) AWC 2829 Para 2)

Originally the writ petition was filed by the petitioner on 27th January, 1999 praying inter alia for quashing the Government order dated 1st December, 1998, suitable order for conversion of land after disposal of S.L.P. No. 1157-59 of 1998 filed by the State before the Supreme Court, and orders as regards valuation, stamp duty, etc

D -26-10-2004 the Supreme Court set aside the judgment and order of the High Court by its judgment and order dated 26th October, 2004 and remanded the matter to the High Court for consideration afresh.

E - 21-03-2007 writ of Satya Narain Kapoor vs State Of U.P. And Ors. accordingly dismissed. Interim order, if any, stands vacated

F - Utilisation of leased land for the purpose other than that set forth Under the provisions of Rule 20 of the Nazul manual, every lease or sale of nazul land at concessional rates under Rule 18 or 19 of the rules shall be subject to the condition that if the land leased or sold is not utilised within a period to be fixed by the State Government or for the purpose for which it was given, the State Government has the power to cancel the lease or sale and
resume possession thereof. C.A.G Report year 2006-07Para